now that i'm having a daughter, i am drawn to mini-accessories. her hair accessories collection is already bursting. i must resist to keep it from overflowing. i try.

to store her hair accessories, i decided to use an adorable method a friend of mine found on pinterest. basically, you find a frame of your liking and adhere ribbon to it to clip your bows and such. the frame i liked was oval and had a vintage feel.
instead of using colorful ribbon, i opted for a cream lace to allow the accessories to be the stars of the show. let me show you how i put it together.

flip the frame over, begin measuring the strips of ribbon to cut by simply lining it up against the frame you have and cutting them accordingly. this also helps with eyeballing the spacing between rows you desire.
i am sure there may be other more sophisticated methods of adhering the ribbon to the frame, but i love to use my hot glue gun any chance i get. so, if you also have a trigger finger for hot glue, feel free to do the same. i just squeezed out a dabble and then carefully pressed the ribbon to one side and then did the same thing pulling it tautly on the other.
the most challenging part is keeping the rows from being slanted. i had to pull mine up a couple of times to keep the rows level. once you have all of the strips glued on, voila- you're done!

the fun part is adding the accessories. pastels and whites, clips and bands, my what a pretty site this will be hanging on my babycakes' nursery wall.