Thursday, November 24, 2011


the tears are already welling in my eyes just thinking about writing down my gratitudes. i'm most thankful for matters of the heart as i feel them with every piece of my being.

there's the oldest love for my family that has cradled my heart before i was even born. then, there's the ever-present love from my dearest friends, from the completeness of my best friend to the sheer joy of my new ones.

my heart's capacity sometimes spills over when it comes to the love for my life's companion, my husband. and with him, i've gained a whole new family that brings new light to my life.

then, there's the every day smiles i get from my babies in fur that tickles me to my soul. every year, i have the privilege of working with hundreds of children for my career and still get to wake up and come home to, well, a home. food is in abundance, entertainment is all around me and opportunities dance everywhere.

from chocolate chip cookies to text messages from my eye guy...from figuring out a hard math problem to a glass of wine with my girlfriends...from doggy tongue kisses to phone calls from back home...from reading to writing to laughs and tears, for it all, i am thankful. for the loss, i find comfort in ever having had. my life is in abundance and it continues to give.

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